I live in the united states of America .
Other - Asia Pacific - 2 Answers
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1 :
There are no direct flights from the US to Cambodia. You can fly by Korean Air,Asiana Airlines stop at Seoul, Singapore Airlines,Eva Air stop at Taipei,China & Shanghai Airlines in China.
2 :
Where in Cambodia are you planning on flying in to? Generally, from the US, the layovers are in Taipei, Seoul or Hong Kong...but that said, these flights generally all end in Bangkok. From there you will need to book another flight either to Siem Reap or Phnom Penh (unless you're planning on traveling to Siem Reap overland from Bangkok via Poipet). Another option is to fly to Kuala Lumpur - there are direct flights from there on Air Asia which are generally pretty cheap if you book a week or two in advance.
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