title kinda says it all. i like to travel, and my university offers a program, i would be volunteering around siem reap. i don't know how it is over there, other than its a 3rd world country but im just askin cause i know in other 3rd world countries there are kidnappings and what not. has anyone had experince with cambodia? in the siem reap area? ether working, living, or visiting? thanks
Other - Asia Pacific - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
dont go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cambodia has been havin a civil war for a long time and its still a3rd world country
2 :
I have asked the same question on here, and i got the same answer... I cannot say because I have never been there, but I know its a popular tourist area~ and I have friends who have gone and survived and loved it! I think I am going this summer~
3 :
the cambodian locals are really nice. not really the city side but those in farming areas, outskirts of the cities are really down to earth and surprisingly innocent people. lots of missionaries there, if u want to go volunteer, join the missionary from churches. u get to see the real side of cambodia and not just the commercialized cities. didn't see any civil wars while we were there. people with good heart and helping hands needed for the poor people. good cheap food, wonderful smiles - while we were there.check with ur local church.
4 :
Cambodia is ok to travel, not dangerous if you go in group. I had been warned before going traveling alone there. After my first time, I saw there was nothing to worry about. But when I came to Phnom Penh for the 2nd time to work, I found out a lot : robbery ( many robbers have guns), land mines in the country side... There was a robbery in front of my office and the robber shot 5 shots to the catchers at the evening time. I was seating inside and had no ideas about the sound of the shooting. 2 months working in Phnom Penh and my family asked me to go back. Siem Reap is a famous spot of traveling, but the town of Siem Reap is the safest town in Cambodia. If you work in town, it will be ok. Please don't get home late alone especially driving motor home, soon or later you will be followed. ( my friend's teacher was shot when he was unlocking the door, the robber got the motor ) I have come to Cambodia some times for traveling, but I see it's not safe to live and work.
5 :
It is not dangerous to live/work/visit Cambodia unless you do silly things like walk around in the mine fields that haven't been cleared yet. The Khmer Rouge won the civil war 30 years ago and their terror regime ended when Vietnam intervened. The UN has poured billions and billions of dollars into the country over the past decade and people no longer roam around in the streets carrying AK-47s. Get over the past and stop stereotyping. Sure, Cambodia is a '3rd world country' but it is a charming one with nice people ... anyway, it's only in relatively few 3rd world countries people run around kidnapping each other, so where do you get these perceptions from?
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